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performance and service

Yes, we have our own 3-D printer to create prototypes and visual samples in advance.

Due to the variety of refinement options for plastic parts, we have been working together with experienced companies for years. We can therefore offer you a wide selection of finishing options.

That depends on the product you have requested and how extensive the required tool will be. Delivery times for tools usually start at 4-6 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of a tool the time can be much longer, up to 20 weeks. In the beginning of a project we set up an rough timetable.

We manufacture plastic parts for the food industry, medical technology,analytics, construction industry and many more. We have a wide range of technical plastics with a variety of properties. We are glad to assist you by the implementation of your requirements.

Yes. We are happy to organize the worldwide transport of your purchased articles. Of course, you can also have the goods picked up by your own forwarding agent.

Unser Büro ist montags bis donnerstags durchgängig von 8°° Uhr – 16:30 Uhr sowie freitags durchgängig von 8°° Uhr – 13°° Uhr besetzt. Bei Selbstabholung stimmen Sie sich bitte im Vorfeld mit uns bezüglich der Verladezeiten ab.

All parts we produce are regularly monitored according to the test plans defined with our customers. In addition, we regularly have our standard products inspected by external laboratories.

The answer to this question depends highly on the required product. In our program we offer a variety of products as standard, which you can order even in smaller quantities. For new plastic parts, primarily a corresponding injection mold hasto be produced. The costs depend on the size, geometry and quantity of the required product. How many parts you actually order is irrelevant at first, but has an impact on the offered price. Plastic injection moulding is best suited for mass production, therefore the price decreases significantly with increasing your orders.

Injection Mould

With us, everything from one source. From the conception, the construction through the production of the injection mould and the corresponding parts. We look forward to build your individual required injection mould based on your design.

Different colors per article can be produced with the same tool. Minor differences in the geometry can be realized with the facilitiy of tool inserts. So you only need a master tool from which you can produce different parts with the help of different inserts. We inform you in advance, what kind of inserts can be extent for the implementation of your project.

In order to produce an individual plastic part you first need a suitable tool for the plastic injection moulding. This tool is the negative mould to the product you require. It defines the geometry of the finished plastic part. Color variances can be represented with existing tools. However, deviating geometries or the use of another plastic usually lead to a tool change or a new tool.

With us, everything from one source. From the consultation, through the construction to the production of the injection mould and the corresponding parts. But we are also content to produce the parts you need on your own injection moulds in commission.

When possessing the required injection moulding tools, you can relocate them to us. We would check in advance if we can use your tools for the production of your parts. However, to produce even more economically in the future time we propose tools which are on the modern state of art.

Used materials

Yes. Increasingly we have already been able to replace metal parts to high-quality plastic parts.

The plastics we use are defined by the requirements of the respective product and the specifications of our customers. Of course we are also able to use recycled material, if it is available and suitable for the particular application.

In the recent years the field of renewable or bio-based plastics has continued to develop. We are looking forward to advise you in this topic.

Regarding to the plastic injection moulding we process almost all common plastic types with the exception of PVC In addition, we can use bio-based and recycled raw materials.


For plastic parts, which we do not have in our program usually a new production tool must be constructed. In a close cooperation with you, we check how the required part can be produced and assure our support in the realization.

This is generally dependent on the planned change. Often, it is also sufficient to supplement or adapt the existing tool in order to produce the odified part in the future as well. Please ask us, we are looking forward to advise you.

Yes. For many years, we have been producing assemblies for our customers that consist of a metal-plastic compound. The metal parts are usually encapsulated directly in our injection moulding process with plastic and thus enters a very durable connection.

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